The Countdown Begins for the 2012 Northwest Creeking Competition

Countdown has begun for the 2012 Northwest Creeking Competition on April 21, 22, 2012! With 8 days and counting, paddlers are getting in their practice laps and dialing in their lines! We’re hoping for good water levels, and some nice weather for this year’s event, allowing two days of some solid creek races in nearby Amboy, Washington!

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Saturday: East Fork of the Lewis Downriver race and mass start – Kayaks (long and short) and rafts

The East Fork of the Lewis is a great river to race, whether you’re a first timer or an accomplished racer. The downriver race starts off with a bang as each paddler, one at a time, goes over Sunset Falls, and makes their way into the rapids below. Mid-way through the course, they’ll pass through “The Gorge,” and  through the last few rapids, ending at the Copper Creek Stairs on river right. The mass start is raced on the same course, however everyone starts at the same time. Complete and utter FUN chaos.


The starting Line

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Mass Start goes over Sunset Falls

An BBQ put on by Next Adventure (Thanks Deek!), and friends, will follow the races, as will an awards ceremony.

Sunday: Canyon Creek Extreme Race – Kayaks (long and short) and Rafts

Same as the EFL downriver race on Saturday, but expect harder rapids and a more challenging course with rapids such as Kahuna, Thrasher, Champagne, and Hammering Spot. This race was part of the original “Oregon Cup,” now known as the Northwest Creeking Competition. Due to a large logjam, the race was held on the EF Lewis for the last 4 years. Last year, however, due to miracle floods, Canyon Creek came back, and so did the race! Get ready to race Canyon Creek, and cross your fingers for good levels!

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Hammering Spot on Canyon Creek, WA (Photo: Bryon Dorr)

2011 Video

For more information:

Pre-registration is available for the event on the above website. Otherwise registration is available Saturday morning. However, no registration is available Sunday.

Hope to see you at the races!

About Team Sundance

Sundance Kayak School was started on the Rogue River in Southern Oregon way back in 1973! And was created for one very specific reason: to teach whitewater kayaking. Sundance Kayak School is dedicated to sharing the love of rivers and paddle sports through Education, Involvement and Enjoyment.