West Fork of the Hood River

The West Fork of the Hood River, located near the town of Dee is a fun Class IV run perfect for those with an after work time-crunch, or those looking for a fun day on the river.


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Jesse in his firecracker Diesel 80

One Sunday afternoon Team Sundance decided to mosey over to the W.F. Hood for some low water boogie at about 5.2 feet… a perfect opportunity to try out our new Diesel 80’s.



Just below the put-in

Below the put-in, the West Fork makes it’s way through shallow streambeds, and a narrow gorge. There is some new wood on the river, so if you journey out, be aware, and scout if you question a line.

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Standard West Fork Scenery

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The West Fork Gorge at low water

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New wood on the WF Hood

In a few miles, you’ll reach a fishladder, usually marked by pink ribbons tied to trees/shrubery at river left. Be sure to portage on river left.


Hanging out below the fish ladder

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The fish ladder

Below the fish ladder, the gradient picks up, and you enter the bigger rapids on the run. Also be aware that there is more wood in play below the fish ladder.


Wood below the fish ladder

If you’re looking for a fun run, give the West Fork of the Hood a try. Even at low water, it’s a super fun run, adding technicality to a normally big water feel. Happy Paddling!

About Team Sundance

Sundance Kayak School was started on the Rogue River in Southern Oregon way back in 1973! And was created for one very specific reason: to teach whitewater kayaking. Sundance Kayak School is dedicated to sharing the love of rivers and paddle sports through Education, Involvement and Enjoyment.